World's ExtraTerrestrial Mysteries

The Great Pyramids

The probably biggest unexplained phenomena on earth are the Pyramids in Egypt. Given the fact that the ancient Mesopotamia served as the origin of the first rationalized thinking civilization it is not surprising that just a short distance away the ancient Egyptians built advanced architectures with 4 flat sites and a tip on top.
For the longest time science and history thought of the pyramids to be the tombs of deceased rulers. But the more mankind digs into the depth and accuracy of pyramids and their aligned positions with star constellations, the more we realize that those pyramids might have a different meaning after all.
Recent theories suggest that pyramids function like power plants that have the ability to harness the earth's energy and concentrate it in their crystal capstones from which they could blast it into space and activate an energy grid on earth. Other egyptian petroglyphs and texts suggest that pyramids were simply placed on various positions on earth to serve as some sort of location device, or a socalled intergalactical GPS, for extraterrestrial life to navigate. Other sources suggest that pyramids served as stargates to Nibiru and other non-terrestrial destinations. But why pyramids were built with such geometric accuracy and positioning remains a mystery.

The Nazca Desert

Just a short distance outside of Nazca, Peru, mankind has carved gigantic figures into the middle of the desert. Those figures are so huge that they can only be seen from about 2,000 miles in the air. Until this day it is unknown why the indigenous people of Nazca made those carvings consistent of 'a waving person', 'an orca', 'a dog', 'a spider', 'a condor' and many more. It is suggested that those very people were hailing or trying to communicate or signal to 'someone' in the sky.

Machu Picchu

The world famous city in the sky, Machu Picchu, was assumingly created by its indigenous people in the 15th century. The Inca during that time built this place about 2500 meters in a location that was nearly impossible to reach back then, and hard to reach nowadays. It is suggested that Machu Picchu was or is a religious and sacred place. However, it is unclear, how the ancient Incas were able to build Machu Picchu from ginat heavy sea stone and haul it all the way up through steep wilderness. Machu Picchu was so precisely built that the actual stone of its construction seems to have been lasered in order to fit. Many theories extend to the fact that Machu Picchu was some sort of landing platform.
Incas were very religious people and by carving giant figures into the desert, they might have hailed or tried to communicate with the exact same forms of life, possibly the Anunnaki Empire.


The world famous british sight has attracted many tourists over decades but it is still unclear why it was built nor what the reason behind it was. In way too many theories it is suggested that Stonehenge was a spaceport for extraterrestrials. While this might sound farfetched, it is a fact that Stonehenge is a written language of the Anunnaki, when decoded, it means: ‘The truth lies on the outer planets, and I, your Queen Agathon, will tell you the secret when you reach there.’ The archeologists of the old days did get one thing right: that Stonehenge in indeed a map to the stars. It wasn’t any diagram of the constellation, or Zodiac sign, but as the inner circle of Stonehenge suggests, it is Jupiter with its two moons Europa and Titan. Theorists believe that there is some sort of relation between these three heavenly bodies or they might hold a secret to human existence on our planet. Whatever Stonehenge might be, it definitely has become a riddle to our advanced culture, science and history and just like the pyramids, Machu Picchu or the lines in the Nazca desert suggest, it is part of a greater agenda from life forms not from this planet.


There are way more phenomena that we cannot explain other than they are creations made by man with the help of another force, or created by another force altogether. Nothing can be proven, but we know those phenomena exist and the fact that our advanced thinking and knowledge cannot contribute to a feasible logic explanation suggests that the ancient rulers, the Anunnaki, might have something to do with it.