How did the modern man evolve?
Do stargates exist?
What worlds do stargates open?
What is the purpose of ancient monuments from the Pyramids, Stonehenge or the Sphinx?
What are the Emerald Tablets?
How and why was religion created?
Who advanced mankind so rapidly over the past 100 years?
Are we alone?

Purpose of SPHINX: Genesis

This shortfilm was merely a brief experiment directed by Christian Pichler. The goal was to test the topic in visual media and achieve superior picture and sound quality that would measure up to $100 million Hollywood production, but to absolute low costs simply to get a sense for the best possible budget to produce the feature-length motion picture "SPHINX".
The story of SPHINX: Genesis has nothing to do with its motion picture and is an entirely separate production but shares the same ancient alien theory background.


A group of independent historians stumble upon a conspiracy about the creation of man, putting their lives and the lives of those around them in great danger.

While tracing the true identity of a young boy they find themselves in a net of lies and become the target of a powerful secret society. During their attempt to solve the riddles of ancient monuments in connection with extraterrestrial life they cross dimensions and witness their own assassinations. As unofficial government agents close in, the young boy reveals his identity to the secret society and sets an extraterrestrial war in motion.

Are We Alone

SPHINX: Genesis is a short film based on the fact that modern man was scientifically created. While the human evolved from a single cell, it was 'them' who enhanced this primitive creature. But who are 'they'... where did they come from and why did they come...


Every religion in the world is based on the existence of god. But where did the image of god come from... who taught mankind about heaven and hell, the good and the bad, the light and the darkness... what happened hundreds of thousands of years ago... where are our roots and what is the key to existence, the creation of life, matter and overall... time...